Prof. Tony Jun Huang
Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics The Pennsylvania State University

时间: 6月19日上午10点
地点: 物理楼356

The ability to manipulate cells and microparticles in a biocompatible and dexterous manner is critical for numerous biological studies and applications such as cell-cell communication, biosensing, tissue engineering, and regenerative medicine. Here we summarize our recent progress on an "acoustic tweezers" technique that utilizes standing surface acoustic wave (SSAW) to manipulate particles, cells, and organisms. This technique is capable of manipulating cells and microparticles regardless of shape, size, charge or polarity. Its power intensity, approximately 107 times lower than that of optical tweezers, compares favorably with those of other active patterning methods. Cell viability, proliferation, and apoptosis studies have revealed the technique to be biocompatible. The aforementioned advantages, along with this technique's simple design and ability to be miniaturized, render the "acoustic tweezers" technique a promising tool for various applications in biology, chemistry, engineering, and materials science.

Tony Jun Huang,美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学机械工程系教授,1996年和1999年在西安交通大学取得学士和硕士学位,2005年毕业于 UCLA机械与航天工程专业获博士学位, 研究兴趣包括声流控芯片、光流控芯片、微/纳米系统的生物学应用等,在相关领域期刊发表/合作发表论文共126篇,相关工作在国际会议报告120多次。他的论文总共被 SCI引用超过3000次,H-index达到30。他是美国机械工程学会 (ASME) 纳米工程委员会副主席、ASME微/纳米技术论坛主席。他的研究成果得到如下奖项和荣誉的认可: 2006 Rustum and Della Roy材料研究创新奖、2010 NIH 主任创新奖、2011Penn State Engineering Alumni Society杰出研究奖、2011 JALA年度十大突破之一、2012美国工程制造 学会杰出青年工程制造奖、2013宾州州立大学杰出学者奖章、2013美国Asthma 基金会学术奖。