时间:2016-01-06 14:30
Sum frequency spectroscopy (SFS) has been developed into a versatile analytical tool for surface studies because it is highly surface-specific dictated by symmetry under electric dipole approximation. However, there still exist challenges for the current SF spectroscopy, which desiderates further development of the technique. The first one is the lingering doubt that, beyond the electric dipole approximation, the electric-quadrupole bulk contribution to surface SF generation may not be negligible. The problem is particularly important in dealing with media that do not have a strongly polar-oriented surface layer. We develop a phase-sensitive SFS that allows direct measurement of electric-quadrupole spectrum from the bulk, and shows for the first time that we can deduce the true surface spectra of a nonpolar media from proper spectral analysis of transmitted and reflected SF spectra. Our experimental and theoretical approach also provides guidelines for evaluation of the importance of bulk contribution to SFVS in general. The second challenge is to probe the first few monolayers at charged interface, e.g. charged water interface. Generally, water molecules within a distance of a few monolayers away from the charged surface, forming an interface-specific bonding network (labeled as “the bonded interface layer”), governs the properties and functionality of the interface. Unfortunately, the bonded interface layer is usually buried under thick diffuse layer set by screening ions. Despite extensive studies over the years, still little is known about its microscopic structure. We develop a new SFS scheme that allows us for the first time to obtain the vibrational spectrum, and hence the microscopic structural information, of the bonded interface layer of charged water interfaces. This novel spectroscopic technique provides unique opportunities to validate molecular theories of charged water interfaces and to search for better understanding of electrochemistry and biological aqueous interfaces at a deeper molecular level.Reference:1. Tian and Shen, Surf. Sci. Rep. 69, 105(2014); 2. Sun, Tian* et al, PNAS 112, 5883(2015); 3. Wen, Tian* et al, Phys. Rev. Lett.(Accepted) (2015).
田传山教授于2001年,2003年,2006年在复旦大学本科、硕士、博士学位,随后在加州大学伯克利分校从事博士后研究(合作导师:沈元壤),2010年回到复旦大学任教。主要的研究课题包括水(冰)界面科学、手性分子的光学探测与操控、自旋流探测与动力学过程等。近十年来致力于发展新型表面非线性光谱技术,并将其应用于传统表面分析手段难以触及的重要界面微观结构的研究(如高压环境的界面等),取得了一系列原创性成果,为国际同行所熟知和广泛引用。至今已在PNAS(1篇第一作者,1篇通讯作者)、PRL(5篇,其中1篇第一作者和2篇通讯作者)、JACS(4篇,其中2篇第一作者)、Nano Lett. (1篇通讯作者)、Surf. Sci. Rep.(第一作者,IF:24)等期刊发表SCI论文37篇,著作1篇章(独立撰写),篇均他引40余次。分别于2012年和2014年入选上海市“浦江人才计划”和教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”,2015年起任中国光学学会基础光学专业委员会委员。