时间:2016-04-07 10:00
Topological propagation of electromagnetic wave immune to scatterings due to bend and defect is attracting significant interest. We have revealed recently that this amazing property can be realized in photonic crystal of conventional dielectric material by tuning lattice constant appropriately. This waives application of external magnetic field and usage of special materials inherent in previous proposals. From the spatial symmetry of photonic crystal, an effective spin degree of freedom emerges in electromagnetic modes, which makes a topological state with time-reversal symmetry possible. Novel devices are expected via integration of topological photonics and electronics.
胡晓教授从事理论物理研究,曾先后在日本东京大学、东北大学、美国国家标准技术研究所(NIST)等研究机构从事教学科研工作。1996年加盟日本国立物质材料研究机构,2011年入选中组部千人计划。他在铜氧化物高温超导Abrikosov磁通格子的融化相变,本征约瑟夫森结THz电磁波辐射,拓扑超导马约纳拉準粒子探索,新奇拓扑光子晶体和拓扑绝缘体的理论设计等研究领域取得了一系列重要成果。至今已在Superconductor Science and Technology,Advanced Materials,Advances in Physics等重要期刊发表综述文章。