Jianda Wu
Department of Physics, University of California, San Diego, California 92093, USA
时间:2016-05-05 16:00
In the talk, motivated by recent experimental progresses, we shall take the challenge via an-alytically exploring finite temperature local spin dynamics in quantum E8 model emerging nearthe QCP of 1D transverse-field Ising model, zero-temperature nonlocal transverse spin dynamic-s in the quantum critical regime of XXZ Heisenberg model, and finite temperature dynamics atthe QCP of 3(space)+1(time) quantum ϕ4 model. During the exciting excursion, sophisticatedbut powerful theoretical tools were introduced and a bunch of new physics beyond conventionalpictures were discovered. Specifically, in quantum E8 model we found spin dynamics beyondconventional spin diffusion picture; in the XXZ Heisenberg model we discovered new dominantdynamic excitations completely beyond classic spinon picture; in the 3+1 quantum ϕ4 model, wefigured out dominant finite temperature dynamics at the QCP with an emerging “thermal” quasi-particle. At the end we shall also discuss the implication of our results for experiments in variousrelevant materials and suggest proper future experimental setups to test our theoretical findings.
Education Background Ph. D. Rice University, Physics, August 2007 – May 2014Thesis: Research on dynamics and thermodynamics near quantum critical pointsAdvisor: Professor Qimiao Si M. S. University of Science and Technology of China, Physics, June 2007Thesis: Research on Quantum Adiabatic ConditionAdvisor: Professor Yongde Zhang B. S. University of Science and Technology of China, Physics, June 2004Academic Positions09/2014- Post-doc research in Condensed Matter Theory Group (Congjun Wu)Department of Physics, UC San Diego, Sep. 2014 ––6/2008-8/2014 Research assistant in Condensed Matter Theory GroupDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Rice UniversityResearch InterestsTheoretical condensed matter physics of strongly correlated electron systems, quantum phasetransitions, quantum magnetism, low dimensional quantum systems, quantum entanglement inmany-body systems, algebraic Bethe ansatz, dilute bose system with synthetic gauge field, andquantum adiabatic evolution.