时间:2016-12-19 14:00
Controlling the emission of a single nano-emitter and its coherent interaction with the nano-environment has been a topic of intensive investigation over the past decades both from the fundamental level and practical applications towards emerging quantum and nanotechnologies. In this talk, I will present our efforts in achieving ultrabright single-photon emission from a single nano-emitter and the strong coherent interaction between the emitter and an optical antenna nearby. In particular, I will talk about the combination of near-unity collection of single photon emission and ultrastrong enhancement of its emission rate with high quantum yield. I will also discuss the strong coherent back action of the nano-emitter on the optical properties of a metallic nanoatnenna and the prospect of achieving coherent nanoplasmon generation under the strong coupling limit.
陈学文,2008年博士毕业于浙江大学,2008-2011年在瑞士苏黎世联邦理工物理化学研究所做博士后研究,2011-2014年在德国马普光学所任研究科学家,2014年入选中组部国家 “青年千人计划”,同年入职华中科技大学物理学院任教授,组建量子纳米光子学课题组。主要从事基于单分子、半导体胶体量子点等固态单量子系统的量子纳米光子学方面的工作,研究课题融合微纳光学、量子光学和纳米操纵的概念和技术,近年来在超亮单光子源、量子相干相互作用、高效率近场光学探针等方面取得了一些成果,以第一作者或通信作者身份发表期刊论文(包括Nat. Photonics, PRL, Nano Lett.等)近20篇,受邀做国际会议大会邀请报告近10次。