吴令安 研究员
地点:唐仲英楼 B501
时间:2019-05-10 10:00
In “ghost” imaging (GI) an object is imaged indirectly with a non-spatially resolving detector through intensity correlation computation. The first GI experiment was performed in 1995 with entangled photon pairs, then later it was shown that classical thermal light can also be used. In theory any wavelength is possible, and so GI has attracted great interest because images of sub-Rayleigh resolution may be obtained even with poor illumination in a highly scattering medium. However, due to technical difficulties x-ray GI was only first realized in 2016 with synchrotron radiation. In 2017, using a simple table-top discharge tube source we obtained images of planar and natural objects for the first time, with a much higher contrast-to-noise ratio compared to conventional x-ray imaging, and at ultra-low radiation levels on the order of single photons, thus radiation damage can be greatly reduced with our new method[1]. This work was reported in News in Depth in Science, and was selected as one of the 2018 Top Ten Advances in Optics in China. Recently, with a new modulation mask and deep learning algorithm we can now achieve a resolution of 10 m, which should be sufficient for practical medical diagnosis.[1] A.X. Zhang, Y.H. He, L.A. Wu, L.M. Chen and B.B. Wang, “Table-top X-ray Ghost Imaging with Ultra-Low Radiation”, Optica 5, 374 (2018).
中国科学院物理研究所研究员 1962从英国回国,1968北大毕业后分配到冀衡农场,1971分配到中科院物理所,从事翻译工作,承担了几百场专家报告及国家领导接见外宾的口译,1979邓小平副总理率团访美时担任中科院院长方毅副总理的翻译,197780年为方毅等科学院领导开英语口语课。1981-87在美国U of Texas at Austin读博,其博士论文《Squeezed states of light from an optical parametric oscillator》的实验已编入教科书,1987发表的 Phys. Rev. Lett.文章入选美国物理学会庆祝2015国际光年光学重大突破的论文集。回国后开始量子光学的研究,1995、2000分别在国内首次实验演示自由空间和全光纤量子密钥分发。2005国际上首次以真热光实现“鬼”成像。2009退休返聘,2015聘任中科院大学岗位教授。2014首次以太阳光实现鬼成像,2017首次用便携式X光源实现二维物体和真实生物体的超低剂量X光鬼成像,此工作入选2018中国光学十大进展应用类。 发表期刊文章170多篇,引用率近4000次,发明专利16项。现任英国物理学会北京办事处顾问,英国物理学会会士,《物理》和《量子光学学报》编委,中国物理学会(CPS)物理学名词委员会和女物理工作者委员会委员。 曾任欧洲Quant. and Semiclass. Optics编委,Chin. Phys. Lett.副主编,国际纯粹与应用物理联合会(IUPAP)女物理工作者工作组成员,亚太物理学会联合会(AAPPS)理事,CPS常务理事兼女物理工作者委员会主任。获得中科院科技成果二等奖两次,2004全国三八红旗手,2013 CPS谢希德物理奖,2015中国女科技工作者协会社会服务奖,2018美国光学学会Diversity and Inclusion Advocacy Recognition Award(多样性与包容性推进奖)。