Mingchen Chen(陈明辰), Ph.D.
Rice University, USA
时间:2019-06-13 14:00
陈明辰博士,本科毕业于北京大学生命科学学院。博士毕业于Rice University 生物医学工程专业,师从Peter Wolynes 和Jose Onuchic. 博士期间工作集中于蛋白质沉淀的分子机理研究以及其在神经退行性疾病以及长期记忆形成的关键作用,蛋白质结构预测和修正,protein folding & frustration analysis。
The formation of intra- and extra-cellular amyloid fibres through protein aggregation are traditionally coupled to a series of devastating and incurable neurodegenerative disorders, as well as functional implications. Computational simulations of protein aggregation has been challenging due to the relative long time scale and the involvement of larger systems. In this talk, I will summarize the efforts of using a coarse-grained model, the associative memory, water-mediated interactions, structure and energy model (AWSEM), in the study of protein aggregation and structures of amyloids. The computed aggregation landscapes uncovers molecular mechanisms for protein aggregation in the formation of long-term memory and the progress of neurodegenerative diseases.