Ian Walmsley教授

时间: 3月2日 (星期一)上午10:00
地点: 唐仲英楼B501

摘要:Light has the remarkable capacity to reveal quantum features under ambient conditions, making exploration of the quantum world feasible in simple laboratory experiments. Further, the availability of high-quality integrated optical components makes it possible to conceive of large-scale quantum states by bringing together many different quantum light sources and manipulating them in a coherent manner and detecting them efficiently. By this route, we can envisage a scalable photonic quantum network, that will facilitate the preparation of distributed quantum correlations among many light beams. This will enable a new regime of state complexity to be accessed - one in which it is impossible using classical computers to determine the structure and dynamics of the system. This is a new regime for scientific discovery, but such networks also have a practical purpose: the same complexity of big quantum systems may be harnessed to perform tasks that are impossible using known future information processing technologies. For instance, ideal universal quantum computers may be exponentially more efficiently than classical machines for certain classes of problems, and communications may be completely secure. Photonic quantum machines will open new frontiers in quantum science and technology.

报告人简历:Ian Walmsley is the Hooke Professor of Experimental Physics at the University of Oxford, where is also the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and previously also the University Collections. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society, the Optical Society of America (OSA), the American Physical Society (APS) and the Institute of Physics (IoP), and a recipient of the APS Keithley Award and the IoP Young Medal. He is a former Director of the OSA and currently on the Board of Reviewing Editors of Science Magazine. His group's research covers a broad range of optical science and engineering, especially in the areas of ultrafast, nonlinear and quantum optics. In these areas the group has contributed to the development of methods for characterizing quantum states and ultrafast optical fields, and applied these to the study of the generation and utilization of nonclassical light and to the control of the interaction of quantum light and matter. These are used to investigate fundamental phenomena in quantum physics and toward realising quantum information processing protocols.