清华大学高能物理研究中心和工程物理系 副研究员

报告时间: 2015年3月26日 下午4:00
报告地点: 南京大学物理楼356会议室

报告摘要: Despite the solid evidence in astrophysical observations due to gravity, dark matter, the mysterious part of our universe, which is crucial for the formation of galaxies, stars and life, still remains largely unknown. From astrophysical observations, dark matter makes up a quarter of the energy of the universe, which is about five times of the ordinary matter. In spite of the abundance of dark matter in the universe, it is very difficult to detect because of its extremely weak interaction with ordinary matter. In this talk, we review the experimental clues of the existence of dark matter, the theoretical motivations, and the worldwide experimental efforts for the dark matter search. These include deep underground labs that try to directly detect the minute recoils due to dark matter collision, satellite and ground based instruments aiming at detecting excess cosmic rays from dark matter annihilation or decay, and the Large Hadron Collider with events seemingly violating energy conservation. We discuss some recent exciting anomalous experimental results, including high energy gamma rays from the galactic center and hints in direct detection, and how they could be accommodated in a variety of dark matter models.

报告人简介:2003年于复旦大学物理系获得学士学位,2008年于美国Northeastern University获理论物理博士学位。2008至2011年,在美国C.N.Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics, Stony Brook University从事理论物理博士后研究。2011至2014年,在加拿大McGill University从事理论物理博士后研究。2014年入选中组部青年千人计划,主要从事粒子物理的理论研究,包括暗物质和在粒子对撞机上寻找新物理的研究。