车仁超 教授
时间:2015-11-05 10:00
In this talk, we will review TEM techniques: Lorentz TEM techniques, electron holography, in situ cooling experiments, electron energy loss spectroscopy, and more. For example, focus on three-dimensional reconstruction of a single manganese selenide nanoparticles and its associated with magnetic block temperature physics. The electron spin/down can be mapped within high-spatial-resolution. Moreover, electric/magnetic potential can be directly imaged by electron holography using in situ cooling TEM experiments.
车仁超,复旦大学教授,博士生导师,先进材料实验室公共技术部主任。2003年于中科院物理所获得博士学位,2003~2006年任日本国立材料研究所特别研究员。2006年入选 “百人计划”。近10年来发表SCI文章120余篇,其中通讯或第一作者文章80多篇包括Nature Communication一篇、Adv. Mater.三篇、ACS Nano一篇、J.Mater.Chem.等二十多篇。主持1项科技部973项目子课题和5项国家自然科学基金项目。