时间:2015-12-30 10:00
Fourier ptychography (FP) is a recently developed computational technique for high-resolution, high-throughput imaging. This technique stitches together many variably illuminated, low-resolution measurements in the Fourier space to expand the frequency passband and recover the high-resolution complex sample image. Without involving any mechanical scanning, it facilitates gigapixel imaging in a simple, robust, and cost-effective manner. In this talk, I will discuss the applications of the FP approach for gigapixel microscopy, quantitative phase imaging, 3D holographic imaging, spectrum-multiplexing, photographic imaging, and super-resolution fluorescence imaging. The FP innovation may provide new insights for the development of high-resolution, high-throughput imaging platforms using photon, X-ray and electron.
Dr. Guoan Zheng is an assistant professor at University of Connecticut. His research interest focuses on the development of novel imaging and sensing techniques for biomedical applications. He earned his M.S. and Ph.D. from Caltech in 2008 and 2013. He is the recipient of Lemelson-MIT Caltech Student Prize in 2011 and Caltech Demetriades Thesis Prize in 2013.