Jauyn Grace Lin
Center for Condensed Matter Sciences
National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, TAIWAN


The interplay of superconductivity and magnetism is a long-standing topic that attracts not only the academic but also the industrial interest. In particular, the high temperature superconductor with the superconducting transition Tc above the temperature of liquid nitrogen retains as a strong candidate for various practical applications, such as temperature sensor, current filter and quantum computation. In this study, the layer of YBCO is fabricated in contact with various manganites (so called F-, C- and A-type) and formed as herostructures. Their structural, electrical and magnetic properties are investigated. The thickness of manganite is used to fine tune the strength of effective exchange field. Interestingly, the proximity effect of manganite on superconductivity is observed with different fashions in different type of herostructures. Some surprising phenomenon are observed and ascribed to the modulation of superconducting gap.

林昭吟,1977-1981年毕业于台湾淡江大学物理系获得学士学位;1985-1987年于美国威奇托州立大学获得硕士学位;1988-1993年于美国休斯敦大学获得博士学位;1993-1994年于美国得克萨斯超导中心从事博士后研究;1994-1996年于台湾大学物理系博士后,后受聘于台湾大学凝态科学中心助理研究员。现为台湾大学凝态科学中心研究员,博士生导师。主要从事锰氧化物、超导体、半导体异质结构和纳米材料研究,发表Nature Communications 等一批重要的SCI论文150余篇。为Nature出版社Scitific Report编辑部专家组成员,台湾女科技人学会副理事长,台湾中子科学学会副理事长,台湾物理学会理事、监事等学术兼职。