时间:2017-06-23 10:30
Abstract:Carbon, one of the most abundant elements in universe, can take a vast number of allotropic forms. Here I introduce our recent works in revealing topological aspects in several metastable carbon allotropes. These include Weyl points, Weyl loops, and Weyl surfaces in a family of graphene networks, and triply-degenerate point and Weyl link in Pentagon Carbon. Due to the negligible spin-orbit-coupling, these objects are fundamentally distinct from those studied in strongly spin-orbit-coupled materials. If time permits, I will also discuss the Dirac chain metal. In such a material, the band-crossing-point traces out a Dirac chain — a chain of connected four-fold-degenerate Dirac loops — in the momentum space. We show that certain nonsymmorphic crystalline symmetry dictates the existence of this new phase, and we find a realistic material ReO2 for its realization.
杨声远,南京人。2001-2002年就读于清华大学电气自动化专业。2002-2005在香港大学修读数学物理专业,获理学学士。2005-2011年在得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校修读凝聚态物理研究生,获博士学位。2011-2013年在休斯敦CGG Veritas US Services公司工作,任地质分析成像研究员。2013年起在新加坡科技设计大学担任助理教授。以往的研究课题包括磁性材料的磁动力学,发现了磁壁运动引起的普适电动势,二次谐波的发射理论,反常霍尔效应,二维材料/拓扑材料的物理性质。目前的研究方向包括拓扑半金属,拓扑绝缘体,二维材料和纳米结构的物理性质,电子晶体,自旋和谷电子学,量子输运等。