时间:2018-08-10 10:00
Abstract: The considerable improvement on the power conversion efficiency (PCE) for emerging non-fullerene polymer solar cells is still limited by considerable voltage losses that have become on of the most significant obstacles in further boosting desired photovoltaic performance. Here, I will talk about a comprehensive study to understand the impacts of charge transport, energetic disorder, and charge transfer states (CTS) on the losses in open-circuit voltage (Voc) based on three high performing bulk heterojunction solar cell with the best PCE exceeding 11%. I will introduce a reduction in the non-radiative losses (Vnonrad) coupled with the increase of energy of CTS for the PBDB-T:IT-M device, which may be related to the improved balance in carrier mobilities, and partially can explain the gain in Voc. Our results suggest that minimizing the energetic disorder related to transport and CTS is critical for the mitigation of Voc losses and improvements on the device performance.
张渊教授是北航化学学院教授、博士生导师、青年千人计划入选者。2010年获荷兰格罗宁根大学材料物理学博士。主要研究方向为有机半导体和钙钛矿材料及其相关器件物理性质研究,在载流子输运性质、分子掺杂等方面做出有一定影响力的工作。2015年获批中组部第十一批“青年千人计划”,以主要作者身份在《先进材料》、《德国应用化学》、《先进功能材料》等国际学术刊物上发表论文50余篇,被Nature Mater. ,Phys. Rev. Lett. 等著名杂志多次引用,论文他引超过2000次。