李东伟 博士
时间:2018-09-11 10:00
Cell fate decisions remain poorly understood at the chromatin level. Here we report a dynamic logic for chromatin remodeling during reprogramming. Global mapping of accessible chromatin loci in MEFs expressing Oct4-Sox2-Klf4 by ATAC-seq reveals dynamic changes from open to closed (OC) and closed to open (CO), with a burst of OC in the beginning and a climax CO at the end. Fac-tors/conditions known to impede reprogramming prevent OSK-driven OC and skew the overall OC-CO dynamics. Mechanistically, while the CO loci are en-riched with and opened by Oct4-Sox2-Klf4 directly, the OC loci are devoid of them suggesting an indirect OC process. We propose Sap30 as a candidate mediator for OC through H3K27ac down-regulation. These results reveal a chromatin accessibility logic during reprogramming that may be applicable in other cell fate decisions.
李东伟博士,2017年获中国科学院大学博士学位,曾获中国科学院大学“三好学生”、“博士生国家奖学金”、“GIBH优秀研究生奖学金”、“吴瑞奖学金”等荣誉和奖励,主要从事干细胞研究。在多能干细胞、染色质结构和动力学等领域做出了多项成果,论文表在Cell Stem Cell, Nat Cell Biol, Nat Genet, Nucleic Acids Res, J Biol Chem等刊物。