时间:2018-09-18 10:30
In order to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, and to meet the EU's commitment of a reduction of 80% by 2050, it is necessary to make major advances in efficient, clean and secure energy conversion and use. Therefore, thermoelectric materials have become an area of great interest.1 Phenylacetylene functionalized Silicon quantum dots (SiQDs) are showing potential to provide highly efficient thermoelectric materials. We have successfully synthesized Phenylacetylene capped SiQDs via the micelle reduction method.2 These conjugated ligands would allow transport of electrons through the π orbitals. A preliminary characterization of this system shows an electric conductivity in the region of 24 S·m-1, thermal conductivity 0.10 Wm-1K-1 and a Seebeck coefficient of 3228 µVK-1 at 300 K, with an estimated ZT in the region of 0.6.2Knowledge of the microscopic conduction rates and mechanisms of these materials would be of much use in our attempts to improve these materials by design. Muon spectroscopy appears to be an elegant method of measuring these microscopic properties for conducting organic polymers, materials which are structurally similar to the ligands found in our SiQDs. Further, muonium adducts to CC triple bonds in other organic compounds have already been characterised by our group.3 This talk is to present recent results obtained from Muon study in PSI, Switzerland.In this presentation, I will also briefly talk about recent research in batteries and solar conversion.
1964年11月出生于常州,1985年7月南京师范大学物理系毕业,1987年7月北京大学物理系研究生毕业,1987年- 2000年,历任山东大学,常州大学讲师,副教授,教授,2000年2月-7月英国剑桥大学卡文迪许实验室高级访问学者,2004年7月英国纽卡斯尔大学纳米材料博士毕业,2004年4月–2007年5月先后在纽卡斯尔大学,伯明翰大学作博士后研究员,2007年6月至今,东英吉利大学终身研究员,博导,教授会成员,纳米科学首席高级讲师,学位委员会成员,可持续能源创新研究中心主任。巢毅敏博士2016年当选为英国皇家化学会会士兼纳米组财务长,是英国物理学会会员,美国材料学会会员,英国高等教育研究会会士, UEA中国战略委员会核心成员。在其领导的实验室中有 博士后 1名,博士生 5名,以及若干硕士生,本科生和其他访问学者10人。经费主要来自欧盟和英国的基金会及皇家学会,更有英国企业界对热电材料研究的大力资助,在近十年中争取到的科研经费总额超过了一百万英镑。迄今,在国际顶级期刊Nature Nanotechnology, Small, Advanced Materials, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Chemical Communications, Applied Physics Letters, Physical Review B, 等重要期刊发表了70多篇重要论文。目前的研究兴趣主要是纳米药物的靶向给药,能源材料, 包括热电材料,锂电池电极材料,纳米半导体材料的制备,表征和应用。迄今,实验室已接待过来自北大,清华,中科院,南大,复旦,东大和南理工的多位领导和学者的访问。目前与国内的合作伙伴项目已经趋向成熟,协同合作已经成为常态。