High Magnetic Field Laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
时间:2020-06-11 10:00
Recently, several measurement techniques had been successfully constructed in our Water-Cooled magnets with the highest field up to 38.5T and lowest temperature down to 0.3K. In this presentation, I will first explain the basic principles of these techniques and demonstrate their applications on topological materials. In the second part, I will introduce our recent study on the thermoelectric effects of ZrTe5 in a magnetic field. We found that the presence of the non-trivial electrons leads to the anomalous Nernst effect and quasi-linear field dependence of thermopower below the quantum limit. In the strong-field quantum limit, both the thermopower and Nernst signal exhibit exotic peaks. At higher magnetic fields, the Nernst signal has a sign reversal at a critical field where the thermopower approaches to zero. We propose that these anomalous behaviors can be attributed to the gap closing of the zeroth Landau bands in topological materials with the band inversion. Our understanding to the anomalous thermoelectric properties in ZrTe5 opens a new avenue for exploring Dirac physics in topological materials.
张警蕾,中科院强磁场科学中心副研究员。2014年获浙江大学凝聚态物理学博士学位,同年加入中科院强磁场中心。长期从事强磁场条件下关联电子材料的物性研究。依托于稳态强磁场科学装置,张警蕾副研究员设计和搭建了一系列独具特色的物性测试系统。利用这些装置,其在拓扑量子材料、非常规超导等研究方向取得了一批在国际上具有一定影响力的研究成果。在Nature(1篇),Nature Materials(1篇),Nature Physics(1篇)、Nature Communications (4篇)、Phys. Rev. Lett(5篇)PNAS(2篇)等期刊上发表SCI论文40余篇。