时间:2021-05-26 14:00
In order to address current challenges of spintronics, opportunities may exist for a focus research on the understanding and manipulation of fundamental spin-orbit coupling (SOC) in topological quantum materials. In this talk, I will present our work on the control of spin/magnetic states in topological quantum systems. The independent manipulation of the topology of energy band and the magnetic exchange order enable us to observe and emerging effects at high temperatures. In addition, I will also summarize our recent work on utilizing interfacial SOC for low-power spintronics devices with highly spin-to-charge conversion efficiency.
寇煦丰,上海科技大学信息学院长聘副教授,研究员,助理院长,国家高层次海外人才青年项目获得者,上海科技青年35人引领计划入选者。从事基于拓扑量子的新型自旋电子器件和低温电子学方面的研究工作,在Science, Nature Mater., Nature Nano., Science Adv., Nature Comm., Phys. Rev. Lett.等杂志发表论文70余篇,引用超过5200次,H指数为33。